Following advice from the Prime Minister on the 23rd March 2020 we will be contacting all owners to let them know that we will only be opening for emergencies for the moment. We are really sad to have to do this but it is in the interests of the country to follow the instructions from Government and our regulating body the RCVS (Royal College Of Veterinary Surgeons).
Video consultations We are looking to have video consultations organised by the end of the week. This will allow us to see your pets, have a chat with you and advise accordingly. We are hoping this will also work for our patients that need updated home exercises, so they don’t miss out on progressing with their rehabilitation program. There will be a charge for a video consultation.
What to do if you have concerns? If you are worried about your pet then please email us in the first instance on mypet@activepet.co.uk Philippa will then contact you as soon as she can and give advice. This is going to be a busy time for her so please bear with us if we cannot email you back immediately – everyone should receive a response within 24 hours but sooner if we are able to. Please include the best telephone number to contact you on with your email.
If medication or other options can be considered then we can look into these so a trip to the clinic is avoided. If your pet needs treatment then the plan at the moment is for Philippa to come in once or twice a week depending on how many patients she needs to see. We would ask that if you do need an appointment you wait in the car and Philippa will come out to get your pet and do their treatment on her own.
If your pet needs any food, please get in touch with us. We are currently still able to order food etc. from our Veterinary supplier. We can take payment via BACS or over the telephone and can leave your food on the doorstep to collect once payment has been received.
Thank you all for your patience in these unknown times. We will get through this together and we just need to work as a team to keep our pets and ourselves healthy. We are sending lots of love and hugs out to you and your pets. We look forward to seeing you all on the other side. Stay safe everyone, Philippa.