Unfortunately it seems Coronavirus is here to stay. For the moment we are keeping our protocols the same as they have been working well.
Help us to help safely treat your pet by:
- Ensuring you’ve popped your lead in the car before you leave for your appointment.

2. Making sure that your dog has had a toilet trip before they come to see us. If they do need to go please take them for a walk up the drive rather than around the car park.

3. Being on time for your visit. Everyone who has a mobile number and email on our system is getting their usual reminders before their appointments. We don’t want your pet to miss out on their treatment time.

4. Not parking your car in front of the dog parking area. We have a lovely hook to pop your dog’s lead on which is by the second last window of the building. There should be plenty of room for four cars to park in front of the clinic with a safe distance between them. Please only use one car park space when parking your car.

5. Waiting IN the car with your pet until you are called for your appointment. Please don’t wander around the car park or wait outside by your car.

6. Making sure that your dog has their lead on BEFORE you get them out of the car. The car park is busy with traffic and we don’t want anyone escaping.

7. Ensuring you have your mobile phone, payment card and diary with you. So we don’t keep you waiting, where we can we will call you to book your next appointment and take your payment while your pet is having their treatment.

We are doubly busy cleaning and ensuring that the clinic can continue to stay open during these testing times. We are constantly reviewing our protocols and adapting them so we can ensure your pet receives the best and safest care that we can provide.

Thank you for your co-operation to help us run as smoothly as possible. If you would like to get in contact then drop us an email, call or use our contact page.
Philippa, Michelle and the Active Pet Team look forward to seeing you and your pet soon.